Ozone has been used for disinfection of drinking water in the Municipal Water Industry in Europe for over 100 years and is used by a large number of Water Companies, where ozone generator capacities in excess of 100 kg/h are common.
Ozone can be used for water and air treatmen
Ozone – safe for the environment with the proper ozone generator system
Because ozone is made of oxygen and reverts to pure oxygen, it vanishes without trace once it has been used. Compare this with other disinfectants.
When ozone disinfects or breaks down harmful bacteria or pollutants, there are generally no by-products, unlike most disinfecting agents.
For further information about ozone click on Ozone data
The application of ozone and UV in the process water for a pharmaceutical company.
Lenntech has designed and delivered an ozone / UV installation for a pharmaceutical company. In this system softened water is disinfected and biofilm formation is prevented by the use of a double ozone system. The water is de-ozonised before the use in the proces by a quadruple UV system. The system is PLC controlled and the quality of environment and water is controlled via a variety of control systems.
To monitor the environment and water a variety of ozone and UV meters were installed
we lose our patience
lose our trust
yes we lose our innocence
ozone role wow!!!
as far as i know that is horrible
ozone role in t.w &t.wt
so long
i wana leave a comment so carf
for treat mashter
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